004 Computer Science, Information
and Communication Technology (ICT)
004.2 Systems analysis and
design, Computer Architecture, performance Evolutions
004.6 Computer Network
005 Computer Programming
006.2 Embedded Systems
006.6 Computer graphics
174 Occupational Ethics
174.962 Engineering Ethics
310 General statistics
330 Economics
333.79 Energy (Renewable
338.4791 Tourism Management
352 General
Considerations of Public Administration
363.11 Occupational Safety
& Health (OSH)
394.2068 Event Management
420 English Language
510 Mathematics
526.9028 Surveying
526.982 GPS for Land Surveying
530 Physics / Elements of
Properties of Matter
551 Geology/ Hagiology
551.22 Earthquake
577 Ecology
604.2 Technical Drawing /
Engineering Graphics
604.4 Engineering Drawing
610 Medicine & Health
610.28 Auxiliary techniques
& procedures; apparats, equipment, materials / Biomedical Instrumentation
620 Engineering &
Allied Operations
620.1 Engineering Mechanics
& Materials
620.106 Fluid mechanics
620.11 Materials Science /
Mechanical behavior & Testing of Materials
620.112 Strength of Materials /
Mechanics of Materials
620.163 Mechanical Metallurgy
620.3 Mechanical Vibrations
621 Applied physics/
(Mechanical Engineering)/ Mechatronics
621.1 Practical Bailer
Operation Engineering & Power Plant
621.2 Hydraulic Power
Technology/ Hydraulic Machines
621.3 Electrical
Engineering, Electronics Magnetic, Optical, Communications, Electronics,
Lighting }
621.3 Electrical
Engineering }
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
621.3 Electrical
Engineering }
Electrical Power Systems
621.3 Electrical
Engineering }
System Analysis
621.3 Electrical
Engineering }
Electrical & Electronics Technology
621.3 Electrical
Engineering }
Electronics Magnetic
621.3192 Electronic Circuits
621.36 Optical Engineering
621.367 Digital Image Processing
621.3678 Remote Sensing &
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
621.38 Electronics /
Communication Engineering
621.381 Digital Signal
Processing / Digital Design
621.381 Digital Signal
Processing / Digital Design
621.389 The Science of Sound
Recording (Security, Sound Recording, Related Systems)
621.4 Prime Mover & Heat
621.402 Heat Engineering / Heat
& Mass Transfer / Process Heat Transfer
621.4021 Thermodynamics
621.5 Pneumatic, Vacuum,
Low-Temperature Technologies
621.75 Workshop Technology
621.8 Machine Engineering/
Machine Drawing
621.89 Engineering Tribology
621.9023 Computer Numerical
622 Mining & related
623 Military &
nautical engineering
624 Civil Engineering /
Site surveying & Leaving
624.1 Structural Engineering
& Underground Construction (Structural Analysis)
624.15136 Geotechnical Engineering
624.171 Matrix Analysis of
624.18341 Reinforced Concrete
624.2 Bridges
625 Engineering of
railroads & roads
625.1 Rail Roads
625.7 Roads
627 Hydraulic
Engineering/ Irrigation /Engineering Hydrology
628 Sanitary &
municipal engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental science
629 Other branches of
629.04 Transportation
629.2 Automobile Engineering
629.8 Automatic Control
629.895 Programmable Logic
629.9 Tools (Machine tools,
pneumatics tools, hand tools, ……)
630 Agriculture &
Related Technologies
631.3 Farm Machinery &
631.4 Soil Science
640 Home & family
641 Food & drink
642 Meals & table
643 Housing &
household equipment
644 Household utilities
645 Household furnishings
646 Sewing, clothing
& personal living
646.7 Cosmetology / Beauty
647 Management of public
647.94068 Hospitality Management
648 Housekeeping
649 Child rearing &
home care of persons
650 Management &
Auxiliary Services
651.3 Office Management
651.5 Communication
658 General Management
658.1 Organizational &
Financial Management
658.2 Plant Management
658.3 Human Rehouse
Management (HRM)
658.4 Executive Management
658.5 Management of
Production (Production Planning, Organization, Control, Workflow, work studies,
658.7 Management of Materials
658.8 Management of
Marketing (Marketing Management)
660 Chemical Engineering
668 Technology of other
Organic Products / Rotational & Molding Technology
670 Production Technology
/ Manufacturing Technology
671 Metalworking Process
& Primary Metal Products / casting Technology & Cast Alloys
671.52 Welding Technology
672 Iron Steel &
Other Iron Products
680 Manufacture of
Products for Specific uses/ (Handicrafts, ….)
681 Precision Instruments
& Other Devices / measurement & Instrumentation / Mechanical
688 Other final Products
and Packaging Technology
688.8 Packaging Technology
690 Building Construction
/ Construction
Technology (planning/ Analyzing /Engineering Design/Construction)
691 Building materials
692 Auxiliary
construction practices [Plans, Drawings, Detail Drawing, Construction
Specification Estimate of labor, Time, Materials, ………….]
692.5 Quantity Serving
692.8 Building Contract
694 Wood construction
& carpentry
695 Roof covering
696 Utilities / (Building
Services Technology)
696.1 Utilities / Plumbing /
Steam Pipe/ Hot water supply….
697 Heating, ventilating
& air-conditioning
698 Detail finishing
710 Civil & Landscape
711 Area Planning
712 Landscape
720 Architecture